A Reversion to the
Whig Historians and their View of Progress?
Michael Gove’s
determination to restore history as the genuine teaching of our island story
should be applauded. In the
teeth of resistance from left wing teachers who see controlling history as a
means of preaching a politically correct outlook, he is fighting to ensure our
next generation learns the narrative history that helps us understand who we
are and invigorates patriotism.
The ideologues who
resist this seem to think that the next generation will be inspired to virtue
by having the guilt piled on about who they are. Generations have been taught a distorted view of this nation
as being an oppressive and imperialist force in the world. To give the benefit of the doubt to the
education establishment perhaps they believe that this will lead to future
generations of virtuous citizens.
More likely it will lead to an embittered nation that sees itself as
guilty without any values to live up to.
Far better to teach
the truth – that Britain has been, for the most part, a force for good in the
world. When the facts, rather than
politically correct interpretation, are taught then that conclusion will be
difficult to resist. Great Britain
abolished slavery and the Royal Navy policed the seas to impose a ban on slave
trading. Great Britain defeated
Nazism and the Kaiser, also saving Europe from Napoleon’s attempt to create one
polity for the whole continent.
When we are taught
what we have done in the world for good, this will act as an inspiration to
true patriotism and as an inspiration to live up to those values. It does not mean distorting the truth
to give an overly rosy picture of our nation’s history, in the mould of some
despotic regime. Rather, it means
teaching what actually happened rather than interpreting facts through the
prism of a left-wing, semi-Marxist outlook that sees history as being the
struggle for power between the oppressor and the oppressed. Teach history as a narrative and that
interpretation crumbles away. This
is why the Left wing ideologues fear Gove’s reforms for the teaching of history
so much.
It is naïve though, to
assume that even with the restoration of teaching history as a narrative all
interpretation can be avoided. The
great temptation will be to adopt a Whiggish view of the inevitability of
progress. That would be a mistake
and just as damaging as the Left Wing view of history now predominant in our
nation’s schools.
If the history of our
nation teaches us anything at all, it is that progress is not inevitable and
history can take wrong turns and go down cul-de-sacs. The Commonwealth of Oliver Cromwell, when two great
institutions, the Monarchy and the House of Lords were abolished is the most
glaring example of this. This was
not progress, as demonstrated by the fact that both those institutions are
still with us in the Twenty-First Century and certainly the former is held in
higher respect by the public than the House of Commons of which Oliver Cromwell
MP was a member.
Further the
possibility of decline is demonstrated all around us: Great Britain now is threatened with dissolution thanks to
the mischief of Alex Salmond. Its
world stature has declined, its empire gone and its economy is smaller. Mass immigration has taken its toll,
diluting our common values and leading to the corrosive relativism of
multiculturalism that only now the political class is waking up to. Politicians are now more removed from
the public than ever before, moving in a separate world, with different values
and ideas from the people who vote them into power. Progress is by no means inevitable and there is always a
high risk of decline.
No, if history teaches
us anything at all it is that when we looked back we took our greatest leaps
forward. The introduction of trial
by jury under Henry II came from a looking back to Anglo-Saxon twelve thanes of the Wapentake. The same king’s
development of common law relied on case law, which looks to precedent,
reinterpreting it for each new situation.
The Magna Carta was a reassertion of existing liberties and rights. Parliament itself looked back to Anglo
Saxon times. Simon DeMontfort did
not think he was innovating when he fought Parliament’s cause against Henry
III, rather he thought he was fighting for ancient rights and privileges.
It is worth mentioning
though that unlike common law, dominated by precedent, only Parliament violates
this principle of looking back because of its power to pass statutes, laws that
can be entirely new and overrule common law. Precedent and conventions dominate our constitution and our
Parliamentarians would do well to respect precedent, rather than fall into the
temptation of the novel and innovative.
With the power to pass Acts of Parliament it can be seen why the
political class falls into this temptation.
Our rights and liberties
rely on the past for their legitimacy.
We do not have to call on the flimsiness of abstract theory, with all
the innate dangers that involves.
We have precedent and we can rely on it because as a nation we have on
the whole avoided disruptive revolutions.
With a legal system
that relies on precedent and an island story that demonstrates that all our
greatest moves forward were through looking back, it seems that the Whiggish view of history, with its
emphasis on the inevitability of progress will not stand up to the facts. Rather, perhaps by restoring a
narrative view of history we will see the development of a Tory view of history
that emphasises change only working in the context of respect for the
past. Forgetting the past can lead
the nation into error.
If history teaches us
anything at all it is that we do best to learn from the past and not forget
it. That is why the teaching of
history is so important.
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