As another hunting
season draws to a close (one much disrupted by the weather), it is worth
considering the position of one of our great cultural traditions. Despite the Conservative Party’s pledge
to hold a free vote on the ban, despite Tony Blair, the man who as Prime
Minister who used the Parliament Act to force the ban through the House of
Lords unconstitutionally, admitting he was wrong and despite a clear impact on
farms such as sheep farms on the Fells hanging on by their fingertips, hunting for
political reasons alone remains banned.
Just as it was once
useful for Mr Blair to allow frequent free votes on hunting to keep his more
prejudiced backbenchers happy, so for the current Government hunting can be a
useful political football. It is all
very well to launch a review into the impact on farming of restricting the
despatch of foxes to one couple of hounds, but repeal of this aspect of the ban
could be achieved by statutory instrument, with no need for a Parliamentary
It feels more as though
the review is to send a message of sympathy to hunting people without actually
acting. Yet even Tony Blair now
admits the hunting ban was a mistake.
There are few who would argue the ban was about animal welfare. It was as Tony Banks said “totemic” –
it was a deliberate attack on a certain way of life and an imaginary,
stereotypical foxhunter, who bares little resemblance to the majority of keen
hunt supporters - The people that in Tony Banks’ bitter mind represented the
class enemy. Because this was
about a visceral hatred and class resentment, no argument would ever have won
around a man like Tony Banks.
So what is to be
done? Hunting has shown its
determination to survive within the law, despite that law being unjust and
unclear. It faces the threat of
animal-rights extremism, increasing urbanisation taking away country, an
ambiguous and draconian law and this season, as so many others have also
suffered, the impact of the flooding.
Hunting has rightly
been defended on animal welfare grounds.
Most people of sound mind understand that hunting an animal is more
natural and humane than trapping, poisoning or shooting. Most realise that fox numbers have to be
controlled. The real
misunderstanding seems to be that urban people assume that people enjoy hunting
because they enjoy killing. This
is a complete misunderstanding and comes from ignorance, so perhaps it is time
to talk about what is so enjoyable about hunting.
If hunting is only
justified on the very valid argument of pest control the debate is narrowed to
a question of whether foxhunting is cruel or not. While that argument can be clearly won, the urban mind still
does not comprehend what is enjoyable.
So they then ask: Why don’t you just treat it like pest control?
The answer to that is
surely that hunting has grown organically throughout the centuries as part of
rural English culture. It is
therefore multi-faceted. Nobody
sat down one day and planned hunting as the means to control foxes. Rather, it has arisen naturally through
tradition. So the enjoyable things
about hunting (which previously did a vital job in wildlife management) are the
community, the tradition and pageantry, the thrill of riding across country and
jumping fences and most importantly of all working with animals – horses and
hounds. Anyone who truly loves
animals cannot fail but be absorbed by hounds working.
We know hunting did a
vital job before the ban, but just because it did that vital job, does not mean
that it should not be enjoyable or rich in community and traditions. So rather than the hunting rules and
rituals being unnecessary, they are precisely what make hunting so
rewarding. This is perhaps why
hunting is surviving all that the Government throws at it.
However, the question
must be asked: What about the
fox? For as long as there are so
many restrictions on how a fox can be legally hunted, other less humane methods
have to be resorted to by others (trapping or shooting). The landowner will need to be rid of
the fox, whatever the intentions of Labour MPs when they voted for the
ban. So really anyone who cares
about animal welfare should be pressing for the ancestral duty of hunting to be
restored to it. Hunts across the
land are fighting hard to sustain a way of life handed down to us, but for as
long as hunts can only go through the motions, the fox must be controlled in
more brutal ways by others.
Our ancestors handed
us a method of fox control that respected the law of nature – often the sick
and the diseased despatched naturally through hunting, rather than more
indiscriminate means of culling.
The fox was given a clean chance of either complete escape or instant
demise, with minimal suffering. Hunting
has survived under the ban because it is multi-faceted and is sustained by the
commitment of hunt staff and masters and the rich tradition and the closeness
to animals and nature it offers supporters. Nature would be better served however if hunting were given
back its historic role of humanely controlling the fox.
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