Thursday 17 October 2024

Atheism as State Control

Since the French Revolution and its idol of Rationalism, atheism has been linked to State control and terror.  The Bolshevik regime in the Soviet Union presented yet more evidence for the link.  For all the horrors the blame for which has been laid at the door of the Church over 2000 years, the short periods of atheistic power have led to terror unmitigated and harsh oppression.  And yet atheists continue to consider themselves to be the champions of freedom and progress.  Is this pattern linking atheism to state terror just a coincidence or is there an unavoidable link between the two?

Some might point to the secular West as an example of a liberal system that has enshrined freedom and secularism.  That is though, to misunderstand the concomitant destruction and decline of Western culture as being unrelated and unplanned.  Freedom is tolerated in the West precisely because it is really a “chosen” enslavement.

By looking at Western liberal democracy we can see how the atheism of the leaders of a society is the cause of terror and oppression.  The extreme violence of the Stalinist or Robespierre regimes was not merely a coincidence, it is directly related to its atheism, because atheism is about political control as much as it is about anything else.

There is no Terror in the West of today, many will argue no doubt.  This can be agreed, but the reason there is no Terror from the State is because the atheists in control of the West are subduing their people more subtly and craftily.

It is first and foremost enslavement to the passions.  The old slogan of bread and circuses applies to the culture of consumerism and entertainment promoted as a means of stupefying the voters and citizens of the West.  Then there are the carefully structured political systems, that ensure no ideas that really challenge the political system can gain any power.  The oligarchs remain in control and powerful.  The secret societies still determine the direction of the so-called open society.  Perhaps there is more of the occult and the Satanic amongst the powers that be in the West, but atheism is promulgated, because it disempowers people.

One way atheism is such a useful tool in the hands of the elites is that it is used to destroy the family in the name of “freedom”.  As Chesterton has pointed out:

“Only men to whom the family is sacred will ever have a standard or a status by which to criticise the State. They alone can appeal to something more holy than the gods of the city.”

The family is the unit of stability and autonomy that stands in the way of the absolute power of the totalitarian.  And atheist ideology is therefore used to undermine and challenge the family.

All that upon which the family is succoured is attacked by atheist dogma - no sex before marriage, the headship of the husband, the unbreakability of marriage.  All these are undermined by atheist ideas and dressed up as liberation.  As a result families are weakened, often fracture and split.

Most of the establishment’s favourite causes - feminism, LGBT, promiscuity, abortion - are promoted as a means to weaken that which stands in its way - the loving family.  The totalitarian state needs us to be atomised, trapped by anomie and easily manipulated by a popular culture that reaffirms and promulgates the atheist dogmas.

Atheism is a means to power for the corrupt and the totalitarian.  The State becomes the ultimate arbiter of right and wrong and cannot be measured by a higher standard.  All the rhetoric of freeing us from enslavement is used by those promoters in the “noble lie” to deceive us into the servitude that we are only fit for, if we are permitted to exist at all.  The atheistic interest in depopulation and eugenics is another way in which this evil perspective is a means of cruel control.

We can see, without any use of the jack boot or the secret police, that Western democracy uses all these means to set up a future totalitarian state.  And it can only do this by cutting a people off from God.  Atheism is the key weapon in the arsenal of the oppressor.  

We must therefore come to understand that when atheism is promoted by the powerful it is as a means of oppression and power.  Our degenerate lives in the West are not about our own personal mismanaged freedom so much as the State deliberately putting us into a situation where meaning and purpose disappear and only the passions are left to enslave us and make us into easily-controllable masses.  The atheism of the West is a more subtle application of the same mechanism in the USSR with the same goals.  Terror itself nowadays is somewhat too obvious.  Now instead the manipulation is far more subtle, but the purpose of atheism remains the same - the enslavement of the imago dei by those Faustian elites with their Luciferian pride and ambition

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