Monday, 1 April 2024

Revolution and Control

 We are living under a revolutionary regime in the West.  It has been a somewhat incremental revolution.  The revolutionary movement has deep roots and it has at each step revolted against the earlier stages in the process.

What is the ideology of the revolution?  In practice it means a deep psychological level of control through manipulation, but it preaches freedom - that is the biggest lie.  Its idea of freedom is closely connected with its anthropology and biology.  It reveals a new "truth" that has been hidden from us, always it works on the basis that truth is hidden and what we see is deception.  This great truth is that man is not a spiritual being with spiritual freedom, this was a lie to enslave you.  The "freeing" truth is that you are a biological automaton, determined by your passions and that you have no soul, but you can be reduced to tiny atoms - that is all that you are.  This liberating message will supposedly usher in a new dawn of freedom, tolerance and equality.

That is the ideology, but it is based on lies, partly believed in by the revolutionaries and partly understood as a means to deceive the masses.  There is a spirt behind this revolution and it is Luciferian.  It rejects tradition, religion, even human love as mere superstitions.   Politically it manifests as forms of liberalism.  Its mantra is "freedom", its goal is control. Biological determinism is its shallow ontology.  It is the doctrine of those elites who through secret societies and occult and hermetic beliefs share a common goal.  It actually turns out to be strict control in the name of freedom.  It is closely connected to scientism, to eugenics, to atheism and materialism and to progressivism.  Its political views, its ideas about sex, its science are taught as unquestioned doctrine in our schools.

The revolution is best understood as having its roots in the Renaissance.  Tragically, after the fall of Constantinople, the West did not seek to rediscover the Orthodox faith of Byzantium, but instead was drawn to the esotericism, the alchemy and occultism that thrived on the fringe of Byzantine culture.  In turn hermeticism grew in the West and led to the development of the new science.  Newton was a key example of a scientist drawn to hermeticism.  From this new science developed the idea of throwing off Christian doctrine and so the Enlightenment would manifest and produced the philosophical ideology of the Revolution that manifested in Jacobin France and Revolutionary America, with its deist and Enlightenment theology behind its constitution.   The new revolutionary elite was essentially atheist and by the Twentieth Century it was attracted to eugenics, manipulation of the masses and so-called "sexual liberation".

This is a basic overview of the story that many will be familiar with, but there is an important role for the Church.  Because the Roman Catholic Church was already in a state of revolution against the rest of the Christian Church.  In 1054 the Pope, having been regarded as Primus inter Pares by the other Patriarchs, broke from the rest of the Church through an innovation in doctrine about the Trinity, put forward in a unilateral change to the shared Nicene Creed - he added the Filioque.  This had theological implications, in which the Monarchy of the Father in the Trinity was to be undermined and as Scholastic doctrine developed, rejecting the energies-essence distinction, was to turn God into an unknowable Monad.

The Catholic Church itself, as understood by Dostoevsky in his Grand Inquisitor narrative, became not so much the manifestation of Christ's body, but an institution of safety and security and control.  The spiritual freedom of the Church was replaced by an institutional framework of safety.  This was a revolution and in the same spirit as the freemasonic revolutions that would in a few hundred years turn against the Roman Catholic Church and the ancien regime It replaced spiritual freedom through Christ with control of that spiritual life.  The seed of revolution had already been sown by the Great Schism later to transform into the Enlightenment.

Furthermore, the Protestant Reformation itself, claiming to restore the freedom of Christ only progressed the revolution further.  For example, Calvinist predestination prefigured the Enlightenment idea of determinism by cause and effect and biology.

So through a combination of the Great Schism and the Reformation, the stage had already been set for a revolution by the elites.  And these elites in large part owed their wealth and therefore their position to the plundering of the Church during the Reformation.  So a matter of bad faith and guilt drove both Enlightenment philosophy and the political revolutions.  What came before had to be proved as evil and entirely rejected.

The revolution did not stop with regicides and empirical philosophy.  Nihilism soon took hold.  The elites working in their cabals designed schemes for Luciferin utopias.  And after the violence of the first centuries of political instability from 1789 to 1917, the idea of a Fabian approach took hold.  Ostensibly granting more freedoms, while retaining control, through democracy and education for all the revolutionary elites were able to achieve a legitimacy for their long term goals of dehumanisation and total power.

Why are the goals so evil?  Because this deal with power and this faith in their own intellectual superiority was a Faustian pact with Lucifer, the light of the rational mind.  The enslavement was dressed up as freedom.  When men could be convinced they were simply highly-developed monkeys then to become a slave to bestial passions was portrayed as freedom.  The 1960s sexual revolution was by design.  Evidence exists of CIA involvement for example.  And all the social changes from promotion of homosexuality to abortion were pushed by the elites, not as a result of popular demand.

It is openly declared in the published literature of the elites that the utopia is one of population control, eugenics and the elimination of religious faith.  Of course many useful idiots who promote these goals, in education, in churches, in politics are unwitting agents.  They have been convinced by the system that these goals are beneficial for mankind.

Who though are these shady elites?  They are the experts and the rich.  They are perhaps themselves somewhat unwitting in their evil.  They have fallen into the trap of their own pride and become themselves slaves of Lucifer who hates mankind.  They are those who control the global institutions such as the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.  Currently their political tools are wokeness, covid and environmentalism.  They see the resurgence of faith in Russia as a threat.  It is their propaganda in school sex education.    Their chief writers in recent times are the likes of H G Wells and Bertrand Russell.

What we must understand from this is that the establishment is working to separate us from true freedom that is to be found in the person of Christ.  They have managed to subvert most of the Western churches to their agenda. They have also promoted atheism as an ideology through the likes of Richard Dawkins and the rest.  They call much of what they do "freedom" when it is turning us into bestial slaves to the passions.  Technology is used to transfer us from the real world to a virtual world making us all the more malleable and easy to control.

If we wish for true freedom then we must take the intimidating step into placing our faith in Christ through trust and love.  We must free ourselves from the whole coherent, but dark narrative imposed at every level of education and reinforced in popular culture such as the messages promoted in Hollywood.  And this goes back to Dostoevsky's account of the Grand Inquisitor.  We can either place our trust in the security of the control by the revolutionary regime or become spiritually free through Christ.  

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