Tuesday, 23 April 2024

The Madness of Rationalism

Rationalism is a human quality distinguishing Man from the dumb beasts.  Man is the rational animal, as Aristotle put it.  Until the advent of post-modernism, rationalism had been seen since the Enlightenment and before as the unique and special quality of Man, at least in the West.  The Jacobins after the Revolution paraded an idol of Madam Reason through the streets, to supplant and usurp the Mother of God.

In the Lenten calendar, prior to the Laudation of the Mother of God, at the Akathist to the Mother of God a familiar Orthodox phrase is recited - 

"Rejoice fold of rational sheep!"

The Christian worshippers form a fold of rational sheep in the Church.  Why rational?  Well they are worshipping the Logos, the Second Person of the Trinity, the fount of the rational.  Importantly this is rationality not detached from the eternal Logos, but participating in worship of the divine Logos.  Through worship we become rational actors in life, working to the telos of our nature and participating in the energies of the Divine.  We overcome the irrational forces of chaos.

Indeed it seems something of a paradox, but the life of the Church, dismissed by the modern post-Enlightenment rationalist as obscurantist turns out to be the source of the rational life.  This is not the reductive rationalism of discursive reason, leading to the scepticism of Hume and the nihilism of Nietzsche and Sartre.  The contrasting rationalism of the Encyclopeadists is rooted in human hubris and from its very root was bound to deform into the subversiveness of atheism and finally the upside-down world of post-modernism.

It is through the mystics and ascetics of the Church that we learn how to live rational and ordered lives.  Right back to the days of  Saint Symeon the Stylites, the extreme ascetic of the Church did not condemn the world as evil, but acted as an arbitrator in worldly disputes when petitioned to pause his prayer on his pillar by parties to disputes.  Symeon of Stylites, imposing extreme asceticism upon himself was famous for his moderate and well-judged guidance to his fellow Syrian Christians.

Even more extreme we find the example of the fool for Christ who through his crazy breaches of social convention restores the city to a Christian life along the golden mean of moderation and away from extreme heresies.  Another Saint Symeon, Symeon the holy fool of Emesa, a fool for Christ, disrupted church services, caused general chaos in Emesa, even running through the ladies' communal baths naked, but all to restore the city to a Christian civic and personal life - whereby the extremes of hypocrisy, sin and heresy were moderated by his strange witness.

After the Laudation of the Mother of God comes the fifth Sunday of Lent and the commemoration of Saint Mary of Egypt.  An exemplar of asceticism, after a life of whoredom and promiscuity, Mary spent 47 years in the Jordanian desert living on roots in an extreme ascecis.  And yet this seemingly crazy life was a restoration of her soul to the fold of rational sheep, to such an exemplary degree that she walked on water.

The paradox is that those saints who live mystical and ascetic lives help us to live rationally and moderately.   This is true rationalism because it is rooted in humility.  By contrast what has passed for rational thinking in the West is instead rooted in a Babel-like spirit of Hubris.  The rationalism lauded today is from eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge by prideful grasping, not awaiting the right moment.

Because of this and its denial of any hierarchy of beings or knowledge, it is by definition reductive.  The ratio becomes a zero.  It is not participation in higher meaning or being filled by the divine Logos.

In the reductive and discursive reasoning of deduction and induction, without any participation through the nous (that vital and neglected faculty) in the energies of the divine, there is only an ever-reducing circle to a point of zero or nil - nihilism results through a radical scepticism.

It is a type of knowledge and illumination of a Luciferian kind.  It is the enlightenment by Lucifer, but the refusal to enter into the divine darkness following Moses and Saint Gregory of Nyssa up Mount Sinai.  It leads to the continual prideful rebuilding of Babel - revolutionary France, Bolshevism, the New World Order and the Great Reset.  Such rationalism lies behind the approach to artificial intelligence and singularity of living for ever in a temporal and mortal existence.

For all its rationalism it is a type of madness.  G K Chesterton's description of the mad man comes to mind:

“If you argue with a madman, it is extremely probable that you will get the worst of it; for in many ways his mind moves all the quicker for not being delayed by things that go with good judgment. He is not hampered by a sense of humour or by clarity, or by the dumb certainties of experience. He is the more logical for losing certain sane affections. Indeed, the common phrase for insanity is in this respect a misleading one. The madman is not the man who has lost his reason. The madman is the man who has lost everything except his reason.”

What can be drawn from this is that on the one hand we have the paradox of the mystical ascetic guiding us to rational moderation and on the other the reductive rationalist leads us to madness.  Nowhere is this more clearly evident than in the story of the modern West.  Post-modern subversion is not the adversary, but the offspring of the Enlightenment.  Rationalism turned the philosophers mad by leading them into a radical scepticism, nihilism and finally the post-modernism of Derrida, Deleuze and the Frankfurt School.  And now the rest of the world looks on at the crazy chaos of modern Western culture that is destroying us for all our wealth, technological progress and indeed our rationalism.




Friday, 19 April 2024

The Tap Root of Western Civilisation

 Even new atheists now are beginning to recognise that the Christian ethos and tradition are what hold the West together and are also a bulwark against the forces of the barbarian and the alien.  It might be too late.  With the ongoing revolution in thought initiated by the Enlightenment, but with dark roots much further back, Western culture has become a vacuum into which forces such as Islamic belief are rushing.  Neither is the West any longer capable of protecting its physical borders.  

Some New Atheists want a cultural Christianity, whereby the transcendental truths of  the Church are mimicked and simulated while we pridefully maintain the claims of the Fall - Man actually neither believes or needs God.  A bit like marrying a person you do not love to have children, ending in divorce, faking religious faith does not work.  People will pick it up as phoney.  This perhaps has been the problem of the liberal Christianity of Western European churches.  And if you simply claim the ethos and the civilisational benefits, you have no justification for doing so, whereas Islam can point to its claimed transcendental justification.  Every culture and civilisation is based upon transcendental claims, albeit prior to the conversion of Rome these pagan metaphysical fundaments of cultures were parochial and culturally located.  With the conversion of the Empire the universal claims of the Church became the tap root of the world empire.

Therefore something changed with the Edict of Milan.  The very reason for persecuting the Church was its universal claim and rejection of local gods.  All of humanity is made in the image of the same God.  The particular and the universal, the problem of the One and the many is solved.  The solution is in the Incarnation.  Sin and death are defeated for all of humanity.  Each person has an eternal future and potential for theosis if they freely accept salvation.

This is the tap root of Western civilisation as well as being a true universal belief.  We can see political liberalism and philosophical humanism as being related to the Church teaching that man is free to choose (Mary's assent to the Incarnation and every free conversion and baptism since) and is made in the image of God and can be transformed into the likeness through Christ.  The problem with the West is that these beliefs rooted in the Church became detached from faith and led to the selfish individualism, the hubristic scientism and the secular vacuity of the modern and post-modern West.

The West has a tap root of the Church, but a cultural inclination to revolution.  Going back as far as the Schism, we see an assertion of rebellion and innovation in the seizure of power by the Papacy and the unliteral alteration of the Nicene Creed.  This seed of revolution would develop through nominalist rejection of universal truths, the fascination with magic and the occult, the scientific revolution, the Enlightenment, the French Revolution and atheistic materialism, leading to the disconnection of Western thought from the transcendent spiralling into the madness of post modernism, deconstruction and existentialism - politically manifesting as wokeness and transgenderism and being further developed by the Silicon Valley demonic genii, trying to find everlasting mortal life in this world.

So we must understand the West as being disconnected from the tap root and this then growing into the deformed revolutionary spirit, promoted by secret societies and political ideologies from Jacobinism to Marxism and Fabianism,  so that the West now can neither defend its civilisation or really knows what its values are - equating them to the Jacobin revolutionary non-values of the revolutionary spirit. 

This tap root though did not only feed and nourish the West.  it nourished the Near East.  The Church emerged from the Middle East through the Greek world.  This is prophesied in John's Gospel, after the Jews reject Christ:

"The Pharisees therefore said among themselves, Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing?  behold, the world is gone after him.  And there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast: The same came therefore to Philip, which was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and desired him, saying, Sir, we would see Jesus.  Philip cometh and telleth Andrew:  and again Andrew and Philip tell Jesus.  And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified."

John 12: 19-23

Just as the Jews reject the Messiah so the Greeks accept him through the preaching of Paul. And the Church Fathers were Greek speakers and educated as Greeks.  Culturally the Church's conquest of Latin Rome through the blood of Christian martyrs was the deep Greek theology winning the Roman Empire.  

That tap root, that first sprouted in Judea, Syria then Greece and also Egypt won the West spiritually.  And yet from 1054 incrementally the West has broken its link to its tap root.  Even the emphasis on Judaeo-Christian culture is a tacit dismissing of the Hellenistic root of the Church, because the Jews rejected Christ and chose political revolution against Rome leading to the destruction of the Temple and the end of Temple Judaism.  Rabbinic Judaism would then emerge defining itself in opposition to the Church.

The result of this revolutionary and political choice to move away from the Church is the secularism and disintegration of the West, making it unable to resist the coming demographic and cultural conquest by Islam.  This is not only demographic.  The West cannot resist the demographic change, but more seriously it has no answer to Islam's transcendental claims.  In the bizarre and topsy turvy world of woke liberalism, where we cannot define a woman and are starting to offer suicide on demand as a service, more people of European origin will find answers in the clear message of Islam.  A religion that offers a political answer without the personal transformation of repentance and theosis.  In the crazy world of the West in freefall from any transcendent sense, Islam will be something people can grab a hold on to save them from the vicious spiral of Western degeneration.  Andrew Tate is a warning.

The West's tap root though presents a very different understanding.  God is triune and the second Person of the Trinity is incarnate.  He only became incarnate through the willingness of Mary to consent, the Mother of God.  Following from this salvation lies not in conquest but a personal assent. Death is defeated and Man has the potential to be transformed into the likeness of God through grace - deification is the gift.  Islam rejects this entirely and cuts us off from the salvation offered.  If the second Person of the Trinity does not become fully man, then man cannot be saved.  It must be full incarnation.  As Saint Gregory of Nazianzus put it: "For that which He has not assumed He has not healed; but that which is united to His Godhead is also saved."

So if the West rejects its own degeneracy and begins to be transformed by Islam, thinking it has reached transcendental truth, it will be further cut off from salvation.   Liberalism, New Atheism, secularism might soon look more like a stage, clearing the ground for the final conquest of the West and the complete detachment from its tap root.  Through its revolutionary zeal the West will have brought about its end.  The Church remains, but Western civilisation, like the First Century Jews, has chosen political revolution over salvation. 

Friday, 12 April 2024

The Empty Shell of Cultural Christianity

 Strident and polemical New Atheist and biological scientist Richard Dawkins has described himself as a cultural Christian, by which he means he has a subjective aesthetic appreciation of the art and culture of Christianity and feels more comfortable with the ethos and values upheld by a Christian past than the alternatives.  Furthermore his new enthusiasm for the Christian heritage he worked hard to undermine is in part due to his fear of Islam filling the void created by the decline of Christian belief in the West.

Other public figures such as Douglas Murray have also identified with the culture and ethos of Christian heritage while being atheist in terms of their personal beliefs.  There are several problems with this.  Three spring to mind.  First it overlooks that aesthetic and ethical values are as much about faith as intellectual assent to a creed.  Secondly, to claim the Christian ethos and aesthetic heritage is superior is a value claim that depends upon the transcendent.  Thirdly, to ignore the cause of the values and aesthetics you believe should be adhered to removes the justification for what you are trying to justify.

Dawkins famously referred to his love for the aesthetic of Anglican evensong.  He does not seem to realise that this appreciation of the beauty of Anglican evensong is a participation in the beautiful, moving towards worship.  His attack on religion has only ever been on the assent to the creed and the conceptual claims of that creed.  He seems not to realise that another aspect of religious faith is affective.

This is because he only thinks within an Enlightenment paradigm.  He has reduced religion to its components and separated them out.  Therefore the affective experience of worship is separated in his mind from the intellectual assent to the credal claims of the religion.  These two are the beauty and truth of religion, just as the Christian ethos is the goodness of the faith.  You cannot detach these three aspects as though they can be enjoyed in isolation.  The truth manifests in beauty and goodness.  The beauty of evensong and the goodness of the ethos it teaches are because the creed is true.

We encounter religion through all three aspects of this Platonic trinity.  The immersing in the beauty can, if we allow it, help us to participate in the truth that generates the beauty.  And, if we allow it, this participation in the truth through the beauty helps us to live according to the ethos of the faith.

To break this down further.  The Christian heritage is beautiful and good, as Dawkins seems to acknowledge, because it is true - which he refuses to acknowledge.  If we look at it the other way around then there is no religious art without the belief.  The evidence of the modern art of secular society is proof enough of this.  There is no ethic without the metaphysical justification - the metaphysical truth justifies the ethics he so appreciates.

Islam is more harsh and less loving because it does not recognise Christ is the Second Person of the Trinity Incarnate.   Otherwise Dawkins must answer where does the ethos come from and why does he wish to follow it over Shariah law?  Is it simply his own subjective taste or was England participating in something of transcendental value before it became secular?

One is reminded of Kant's transcendental argument.  Without the justification of the transcendent what you rely upon falls away.  Without the Triune God, the second Person of which became man, there is no ethos and art will degenerate (as it clearly has done in the West).

There is  a sleight of hand with this atheist endorsement of the faith without participating in the faith - they have already acknowledged a hierarchy of values by stating that the Christian ethos should be preferred to the Islamic.   

A more intellectually honest atheist, such as Friedrich Nietzsche understood the implications of atheism.  It meant the old table of values would be smashed.  The compassionate love for the weak could now be replaced with the Will to Power, that was to inspire the Nazi movement and indeed the relativism of postmodernism.  

In his famous passage about the madman in the marketplace Nietzsche spelt out the real implications of atheism not understood by types such as the complacent bourgeois Englishmen:

'Have you ever heard of the madman who on a bright morning lighted a lantern and ran to the market-place calling out unceasingly: "I seek God! I seek God!" As there were many people standing about who did not believe in God, he caused a great deal of amusement. Why! Is he lost? said one. Has he strayed away like a child? said another. Or does he keep himself hidden? Is he afraid of us? Has he taken a sea voyage? Has he emigrated? The people cried out laughingly, all in a hubbub. The insane man jumped into their midst and transfixed them with his glances. "Where is God gone?" he called out. "I mean to tell you! We have killed him you and I! We are all his murderers! But how have we done it? How were we able to drink up the sea? Who gave us the sponge to wipe away the whole horizon? What did we do when we loosened this earth from its sun? Whither does it now move? Whither do we move? Away from all suns? Do we not dash on unceasingly? Backwards, sideways, forwards, in all directions? Is there still an above and below? Do we not stray, as through infinite nothingness? Does not empty space breathe upon us? Has it not become colder? Does not night come on continually, darker and darker? Shall we not have to light lanterns in the morning? Do we not hear the noise of the grave-diggers who are burying God? Do we not smell the divine putrefaction? For even Gods putrefy! God is dead! God remains dead! And we have killed him! How shall we console our selves, the most murderous of all murderers? The holiest and the mightiest that the world has so far possessed, has bled to death under our knife, who will wipe the blood from us? With what water could we cleanse ourselves? What lustrums, what sacred games shall we have to devise? Is not the magnitude of this deed too great for us? Shall we not ourselves have to become Gods, merely to seem worthy of it? There never was a greater event and on account of it, all who are born after us belong to a higher history than any history so far!" Here the madman was silent and looked again at his hearers ; they also were silent and looked at him in surprise. At last he threw his lantern on the ground, so that it broke in pieces and was extinguished.'

Of course the God that had been killed, as Christos Yannaras demonstrates, was not the God of the Church, but the intellectual concept of God developed through scholasticism not met through prayer - the God of the philosophers.  In slaying that God the revolution of the Enlightenment might have done the West a favour inadvertently, in clearing the way for a rediscovery of the God of the Church and the Bible - the living God, not a dry conceptual theory.  And the real God is indeed encountered through the beauty of ritual and self -emptying goodness. 

Nonetheless, there may be something in the English character that is too pragmatic and fails to see the implications of what atheism really means.  Religion is only understood in terms of its social efficacy.  The Englishman is in his heart a utilitarian and he rarely escapes this curse that blinds him to the depth of reality.  Nietzsche understood and finally fell into lunacy himself.

That English utilitarian spirit is alive in this empty shell of Cultural Christianity - the faith in the personal and triune God is reduced to social uses.  It has a utilitarian benefit, but the transcendental truth, indeed the necessity of that truth is ignored.  And what that means is, if we simply use Christian heritage for social purposes then we are never personally transformed through a relationship with God.  In that way this cultural Christianity could be very dangerous.  It might on the other hand be a stepping stone for many to faith.  Whether this island once known as the dowry of Mary, the Mother of God, will be re-enchanted again remains to be seen. We pray it will be, God willing.  


Thursday, 4 April 2024

The Victory of Liberalism

 It is a common theme in internet memes to contrast the degenerate world of postmodernity with what the young men on the Normandy beaches believed they were giving their lives for.  From the end of ethnic homogeneity to sexual degeneracy, the "values" of the contemporary West seem in stark contrast to the shared values of the Christian West of the thirties and forties.  Many believed they were dying for Christian civilisation.  We have ended up emerging from the two world wars and the Cold War with a society far removed, whose shibboleth might be "sodomy and usury", whose symbol is the six-coloured flag of the LGBT movement and whose geopolitical and domestic political power is exercised through debt.  A far contrast from Christendom where both charging interest and homosexuality were forbidden.

The victory in the Second World War was achieved by the joint forces of liberal democracy and Stalinist Socialism.  The Cold War sorted out whether the future lay in Stalinist Socialism or Liberal Democracy.  The liberal democratic forces won bringing in a new world order of globalism expressed through social and economic liberalism.

National Socialism, with its pagan and occult leanings, its fetishisation of power and its brutal suppression  and mass murder of those considered degenerate was not a continuation of Christian civilisation.  But neither was the Weimar Republic it overthrew.  There has been some comment recently about the fact that the first books the Nazis burnt were promoting transgenderism.  Weimar was not a Christian state, it was a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah.  The Nazis provided a pagan answer, mixed up with Darwinian science, to attack the indisputable degeneracy of Weimar.  That solution comes not from Christian inheritance; by contrast, based on power and violence it is another contradiction.  As Jewish convert to Catholicism Max Picard pointed out, Nazism was an avant garde and profoundly modern and post-Enlightenment phenomenon.  It does not follow either that liberalism is the alternative answer that should be chosen, or communism for that matter.

The victors of the Cold War were the liberals, who provided bureaucratic human rights, but killed the soul of Man.  Even Soviet atheism was unable to kill the soul in the way consumer capitalism and human rights have killed the soul of Man.

While it was the liberals who won the conflicts, hot and frozen, of the Twentieth Century, this was not simply an organic process.  Geopolitically the use of colour revolutions and NGOs as a tool of Western foreign policy worked to undermine the Soviet Empire.  No ally was unacceptable.  In the Cold War we saw the development of an unholy alliance between the capitalist and secular West and Islamic extremism, beginning in Afghanistan, much as Israel uses Islamists as an asset against Arab regimes in the Middle East.

Domestically it was also important to turn the West from a conservative and traditional Christian culture into a liberal, amoral and culturally permissive place.  This actually involved the Central Intelligence Agency in promoting a cultural revolution in the sixties, including the promotion of modern art figures such as Jackson Pollock, to contrast with the more conservative genre of Soviet Realism in art.

Combined with this promotion of popular culture, psychological theories were put into practice through therapy and mainstream education.  Ideas of sexual suppression leading to Fascism as argued by Adorno in his "Authoritarian Personality" gave a political reason to stop teaching virtues and instead to create a permissive society that made people slaves to their sexual passions as much as they were slaves to avarice and greed through the economic system.  Freud's earlier work also provided a framework for this.  Meanwhile the theories of Holocaust-survivor Viktor Frankl were ignored.

In politics the political class also ensured the permissiveness society was promoted through changes to the law on divorce, homosexuality and abortion.  It is no surprise we have now reached a place where we are even confused about gender.  But confusion, lack of order and permissiveness were always the goal.   

A veneer of propaganda that the West was still Christian in opposition to atheist Soviet Republics was also sustained to keep malleable and slow-witted conservatives on side.  Now many conservatives are worried about globalism, the WEF, no borders, the Great Reset - but this was always the goal.  The post-war West was run by an establishment that found its ideology in the liberal philosophers of the Open Society.  And as Karl Popper pointed out, the open society has enemies.  He singled out Plato and Platonic thinking for attack.  He was hostile to any idea of transcendent values, but in something of a contradiction the tolerance and open-mindedness of liberalism should be enforced, not tolerating the "platonic" mindset. This is where cancel culture stems from - certain ideas must be eliminated for the survival of the open society.  Popper's close student George Soros, uses the idea of enemies for undermining democracy, from Brexit to the Ukraine.

The problem is that liberals, whose ideology really developed in the Anglo Saxon countries such as Great Britain and the United States, have fooled conservatives in such countries to believe that liberalism is conservatism.  Whether it be laissez faire capitalism at home or support for Zionism abroad, conservatives have been fooled and are the useful idiots of globalist liberalism. 

There was an alternative to liberalism in Britain.  From Disraeli to Chesterton there was a case made for an organic conservatism that held the country together.  One Nation conservatism is a much debased term that now means "remainer" Conservative MPs who are usually socially liberal.  Rather like the word conservative, one nation once meant what it sounds like.  It meant holding the nation together through the values of shared heritage, land and ethnicity.  We are one nation, not to be divided by the class warriors of socialism or the atomising individualists of liberalism.

What today passes for a "right-wing" British conservative whether on the Right of the Conservative Party or a supporter of Reform will usually be an ardent supporter of liberal economics, a close alliance with the States and with Israel.  Contrary to the implications of liberal economics British conservatives do tend to oppose mass immigration and do oppose the woke culture that emanates from the USA they so love.  These contradictions are overlooked, because the British Right remains a useful tool for the liberals.

In the States where the evils are spreading from there is a resistance that is much more aware than the likes of GB News.  From Tucker Carlson to Candace Owens there are genuine conservative voices appearing in a country predicated on liberal secularism.  This is enabling some American conservatives to break free from the post-war paradigm that defines politics in the West and defines it favourably to the liberal agenda.

There is a genuine voice of opposition emerging.  It places emphasis on conservative social values, upon Christian faith and upon protecting our own people from the ravages of global capitalism.  In global politics it questions the support for Zionism and support for the Ukraine.  It has noticed the re-emergence of the Church in Russia and that our supposed allies of Israel and Ukraine persecute Christians.  A Trump victory will not only save us from escalation to a third world war, but will give space to genuine conservative voices to reassess our knee-jerk Cold War attitudes on Israel and the Russia-Ukraine question.

There is also a healthy scepticism these new conservatives have towards the Western establishment.  They are sniffing out the vested interests from Blackrock to AIPAC.  They are ready to ask questions that baby-boomer conservatives never did.  They recognise that while patriotism is a virtue, it can be used by scoundrels to further nefarious agendas, such as global liberalism. 

There seems to be a realisation from a generation less overshadowed by the Second World War and even the Cold War, that the shibboleths and stereotypes our parents fell for were really about pushing a liberal and globalist agenda.  There is not a binary choice between Left and Right.  There is another perspective, from voices of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, voices excluded from academia and political debate.  These voices put a Christian perspective forward that transcended liberalism, Communism, and Fascism.  There are signs that finally the Overton Window will be expanded.  Whether Donald Trump himself understands this movement, there are signs he does so intuitively if not intellectually, his victory will open up the space for new perspectives that can break free of the post- World-War, post- Cold-War perspectives that limit our vision from seeing the truth.            




Monday, 1 April 2024

Revolution and Control

 We are living under a revolutionary regime in the West.  It has been a somewhat incremental revolution.  The revolutionary movement has deep roots and it has at each step revolted against the earlier stages in the process.

What is the ideology of the revolution?  In practice it means a deep psychological level of control through manipulation, but it preaches freedom - that is the biggest lie.  Its idea of freedom is closely connected with its anthropology and biology.  It reveals a new "truth" that has been hidden from us, always it works on the basis that truth is hidden and what we see is deception.  This great truth is that man is not a spiritual being with spiritual freedom, this was a lie to enslave you.  The "freeing" truth is that you are a biological automaton, determined by your passions and that you have no soul, but you can be reduced to tiny atoms - that is all that you are.  This liberating message will supposedly usher in a new dawn of freedom, tolerance and equality.

That is the ideology, but it is based on lies, partly believed in by the revolutionaries and partly understood as a means to deceive the masses.  There is a spirt behind this revolution and it is Luciferian.  It rejects tradition, religion, even human love as mere superstitions.   Politically it manifests as forms of liberalism.  Its mantra is "freedom", its goal is control. Biological determinism is its shallow ontology.  It is the doctrine of those elites who through secret societies and occult and hermetic beliefs share a common goal.  It actually turns out to be strict control in the name of freedom.  It is closely connected to scientism, to eugenics, to atheism and materialism and to progressivism.  Its political views, its ideas about sex, its science are taught as unquestioned doctrine in our schools.

The revolution is best understood as having its roots in the Renaissance.  Tragically, after the fall of Constantinople, the West did not seek to rediscover the Orthodox faith of Byzantium, but instead was drawn to the esotericism, the alchemy and occultism that thrived on the fringe of Byzantine culture.  In turn hermeticism grew in the West and led to the development of the new science.  Newton was a key example of a scientist drawn to hermeticism.  From this new science developed the idea of throwing off Christian doctrine and so the Enlightenment would manifest and produced the philosophical ideology of the Revolution that manifested in Jacobin France and Revolutionary America, with its deist and Enlightenment theology behind its constitution.   The new revolutionary elite was essentially atheist and by the Twentieth Century it was attracted to eugenics, manipulation of the masses and so-called "sexual liberation".

This is a basic overview of the story that many will be familiar with, but there is an important role for the Church.  Because the Roman Catholic Church was already in a state of revolution against the rest of the Christian Church.  In 1054 the Pope, having been regarded as Primus inter Pares by the other Patriarchs, broke from the rest of the Church through an innovation in doctrine about the Trinity, put forward in a unilateral change to the shared Nicene Creed - he added the Filioque.  This had theological implications, in which the Monarchy of the Father in the Trinity was to be undermined and as Scholastic doctrine developed, rejecting the energies-essence distinction, was to turn God into an unknowable Monad.

The Catholic Church itself, as understood by Dostoevsky in his Grand Inquisitor narrative, became not so much the manifestation of Christ's body, but an institution of safety and security and control.  The spiritual freedom of the Church was replaced by an institutional framework of safety.  This was a revolution and in the same spirit as the freemasonic revolutions that would in a few hundred years turn against the Roman Catholic Church and the ancien regime It replaced spiritual freedom through Christ with control of that spiritual life.  The seed of revolution had already been sown by the Great Schism later to transform into the Enlightenment.

Furthermore, the Protestant Reformation itself, claiming to restore the freedom of Christ only progressed the revolution further.  For example, Calvinist predestination prefigured the Enlightenment idea of determinism by cause and effect and biology.

So through a combination of the Great Schism and the Reformation, the stage had already been set for a revolution by the elites.  And these elites in large part owed their wealth and therefore their position to the plundering of the Church during the Reformation.  So a matter of bad faith and guilt drove both Enlightenment philosophy and the political revolutions.  What came before had to be proved as evil and entirely rejected.

The revolution did not stop with regicides and empirical philosophy.  Nihilism soon took hold.  The elites working in their cabals designed schemes for Luciferin utopias.  And after the violence of the first centuries of political instability from 1789 to 1917, the idea of a Fabian approach took hold.  Ostensibly granting more freedoms, while retaining control, through democracy and education for all the revolutionary elites were able to achieve a legitimacy for their long term goals of dehumanisation and total power.

Why are the goals so evil?  Because this deal with power and this faith in their own intellectual superiority was a Faustian pact with Lucifer, the light of the rational mind.  The enslavement was dressed up as freedom.  When men could be convinced they were simply highly-developed monkeys then to become a slave to bestial passions was portrayed as freedom.  The 1960s sexual revolution was by design.  Evidence exists of CIA involvement for example.  And all the social changes from promotion of homosexuality to abortion were pushed by the elites, not as a result of popular demand.

It is openly declared in the published literature of the elites that the utopia is one of population control, eugenics and the elimination of religious faith.  Of course many useful idiots who promote these goals, in education, in churches, in politics are unwitting agents.  They have been convinced by the system that these goals are beneficial for mankind.

Who though are these shady elites?  They are the experts and the rich.  They are perhaps themselves somewhat unwitting in their evil.  They have fallen into the trap of their own pride and become themselves slaves of Lucifer who hates mankind.  They are those who control the global institutions such as the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.  Currently their political tools are wokeness, covid and environmentalism.  They see the resurgence of faith in Russia as a threat.  It is their propaganda in school sex education.    Their chief writers in recent times are the likes of H G Wells and Bertrand Russell.

What we must understand from this is that the establishment is working to separate us from true freedom that is to be found in the person of Christ.  They have managed to subvert most of the Western churches to their agenda. They have also promoted atheism as an ideology through the likes of Richard Dawkins and the rest.  They call much of what they do "freedom" when it is turning us into bestial slaves to the passions.  Technology is used to transfer us from the real world to a virtual world making us all the more malleable and easy to control.

If we wish for true freedom then we must take the intimidating step into placing our faith in Christ through trust and love.  We must free ourselves from the whole coherent, but dark narrative imposed at every level of education and reinforced in popular culture such as the messages promoted in Hollywood.  And this goes back to Dostoevsky's account of the Grand Inquisitor.  We can either place our trust in the security of the control by the revolutionary regime or become spiritually free through Christ.