Friday, 5 May 2023

The Perennialist Prince – Gobalism and the New King


King Charles III has long attracted criticism for holding beliefs in what amounts to the veiled republic of the United Kingdom.  Because Monarchy still has meaning for the people, the liberal cabal that dominates British politics tolerates its continued existence, not yet exercising its de facto power against the institution from which their own legal authority derives.

The late Queen commanded respect in  a way it would be difficult for any successor to inherit.  Her late Majesty represented a better Britain of morals, manners, duty and faith.  However much the British declined in terms of their character throughout the Queen’s reign, people still found that they were somehow moved to respect their monarch.  Now since the passing of the Queen, the new King has found himself subjected to disgraceful acts of disrespect such as eggs being thrown as missiles.

It might be said that by entering the fray of public debate the King lost the mystique of his mother, the Queen.  On the other hand HM’s human failings and weaknesses with regard to his marriage might have led to this new world where the unthinkable showing of disrespect to the Sovereign has become a reality.  More likely though, while they knew they could not disrespect Queen, the liberal Jacobin elites instead undermined her heir, playing as ever they do, the long game.  It therefore became acceptable to show disrespect to our new King.

Indeed with His Majesty’s advocacy of tradition in terms of architecture and farming he greatly angered those who run our society in accordance with their anti-human ideology of dissolution and fragmentation.  This is perhaps a reason they singled His Majesty out for attack when he was Prince of Wales.

It was not simply about the fact the Queen lived a life of duty and service, as much as that counted; Her Majesty represented a different ethos from another generation of respect and we all raised our standards with regard to Her Majesty.  Just as Prince Charles has become King though, it seems the liberal cabal has uses for him.  This is why they pulled His Majesty into opening the WEF meeting, playing on his genuine concern for the environment.  Now they find the Monarchy useful to their ends.

His Majesty must of course be careful in these febrile political times.  Too many associations with the globalist international elites will alienate the very part of his realm traditionally most loyal.  Meanwhile as soon as they find the institution of Monarchy no longer useful, and an ancient and traditional institution will always be perceived as a potential threat, the liberal elites will move against the Monarchy.

Nonetheless, it is too simplistic to link Charles III to the globalist and liberal Left just because he too places an emphasis on multiculturalism and the environment.  There are good traditionalist reasons for placing emphasis on such matters, indeed His Majesty’s reasons are Traditionalist with a capital T.  As demonstrated by this lecture King Charles is a reader of Rene Guenon, who placed an emphasis on the hierarchies of Tradition and also the destructiveness of the individualism and industrialisation of modernity upon our environment.  Contrasting the qualitative world of Tradition with the grasping greed of an individualistic and utilitarian mercantile culture that alienates men from the world with technology, Guenon himself advocated a harmonious relationship with the environment.

Furthermore, His Majesty’s respect for Islam and other faiths that are growing minorities in this country is not relativism, but again a Traditionalist perspective, seeing value in traditional faith in contrast to secularism and new cults.  His Majesty is being consistent with Guenon in respecting the traditions of each faith with longevity about them as manifestations of the perennial wisdom, the Sophia.  This is different from relativism, syncretism and theosophy on the one hand, but also different from the absolutist exclusivity of the Church, historically.  Personally the King seems particularly attracted to his late father’s faith of Orthodoxy.  His Majesty has visited Mount Athos in a personal capacity on more than one occasion.  One might draw an unlikely link with another Geunon reader, which the King would want to eschew – the Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin, who argues that each religious tradition has its own validity in contrast to the universal claims of global liberalism.  The One Truth of Sophia manifests in the many ancient world faiths of traditional roots.

Nonetheless, there is a danger that the clever and manipulative elites will mislead the King into supporting the agenda of the WEF, which is an antithesis of genuine Tradition.  The King needs advisors who point out that the globalists through their organisations such as the UN, the WHO and the WEF are no friends to his subjects and wish to crush them under a new progressive technocracy through net zero policies, artificial intelligence and a hi-tech surveillance apparatus.  Look into their roots and they are a global network of Jacobins, no friends to Monarchy.  Sadly many of our own politicians are signed up to the agenda of the WEF.  His Majesty will not receive good advice on this.

Herein though does lie the danger of Perennialism itself, even in its more Traditionalist manifestation in Guenon’s writings.  There is even in Guenon a certain level of relativism and material for a globalist cabal to use, which cannot be found in the true tradition of the Church.  Much as Guenon rejected the theosophists and syncretists, his work can be used by the globalists too, as Orthodox icon carver and youtuber Jonathan Pageau has warned.  The technocratic globalists such as Huxley, were also Perennialists after all. 

It is for that reason we should all like Father Seraphim Rose, that American Orthodox monk who did so much for Russian Christians with his samizdat, take what is good from Rene Guenon and the Traditionalist school whilst recognising its limitations.  We should as Saint Basil the Great put it “plunder the Egyptians” of pagan wisdom.

            The King then as a Traditionalist will make a serious commitment to one faith and that will be Christian.  No doubt as it was for his mother, His Majesty will be profoundly affected by the sacramental mystery of the anointing at the Coronation.  From a Christian rather than a Perennialist Traditionalist faith, we should welcome the King’s philosophical seriousness about faith and commitment to one particular tradition.  We like the King must also not fall into the trap of the Globalists and turn against Monarchy, because for a period they might be able to manipulate his well-meaning intentions.

            I began this blog with an article about the importance of the coronation and its link to our Christian faith some years ago.  The anointing is of central importance.  When that takes place we can pray that God will work His grace upon His Majesty and protect him from the malign influence of the Globalists.  Whatever our concerns about the tentacles of the WEF - for how many of our friends and family have fallen under the spell of their ideology? -we should celebrate with love and joy this coronation.  Together as His Majesty’s Loyal Subjects, we should cry :  God save the King!

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