After over three-hundred years of one Parliament, fighting
as one State against Republican France, Imperialist and then Nazi Germany,
Scotland is considering whether to break the Union with England, Wales and
Northern Ireland. It is worth
remembering that the opinion polls consistently show a majority in Scotland
wish to remain in the Union.
However, the SNP was never supposed to be able to win outright in
Scottish Parliamentary elections, so Unionists recognise Salmond’s political
ability and are right to be vigilant.
Perhaps what Scots find attractive about separation comes
from their disillusionment with Westminster politics. The irony is that they probably share that disillusionment
with the rest of Great Britain.
The Nationalist politicians however are a more spiteful and negative
crowd. They are of the same ilk as
the most sanctimonious of Liberal- Left English Guardianistas –preoccupied with
minority issues and disconnected from the values and prejudices of ordinary
On Saint Andrew’s Day it seems right that this blog should focus
on the elephant in the room, which is of course the possible end of Great
Britain as a nation state. When
one actually thinks about it the decision of Scottish voters will be momentous
for all of us, because if they vote for independence they will be changing all
of our identities.
We have grown up regarding the Union Jack, Scott of the
Antarctic, Adam Smith, the writers Sir Walter Scott, John Buchan and Robert
Louis Stevenson, the brave Highland Regiments, Scottish Royalty such as the
late Queen Mother, Balmoral Castle, traditions such as the Edinburgh tattoo and
Burns Night as belonging to all of us because we are British. Scottish independence, whatever is
said, will change how these things make up our identity.
Of course the factors that really held the Union together
for many years were the benefits of Empire (wanderlust Scots generally being
far more adventurous empire builders than the English) and a shared feeling of
a common Protestant faith in the face of a hostile, absolutist and Roman Catholic
Continent. The Empire is now gone
and with it the economic opportunities it brought for the Scottish. Religion is much less of a factor in
our British identity and the threat of being colonised by a Catholic hegemony
no longer realistic (many might say the current threat is domination by a
secular bureaucracy based in Brussels).
History might be important for the Nationalists, but it is
important for the Unionists too.
The difference is that whereas Nationalists pick out specific and
Medieaval examples of grievance, without looking at the whole narrative,
Unionists recognise history is a story of gradual evolution. Look at history as a whole and
Bannockburn in 1314 can be put into perspective. The Union is a history of a growing relationship and coming
together. From the joining of
Monarchy when the Scottish king succeeded to the English Throne in 1603, to the
Act of Union in 1707, which might count as the marriage following the century
of engagement, then the ongoing and growing relationship in which Royalty and
aristocracy intermarried becoming entirely British As with a marriage, each partner showed respect for difference, so that each
nation kept its own legal system and own established church. This is a more real interpretation of
history. In this context
independence is a tragic breach of a relationship not a putting right of
Mediaeval wrongs.
Scottish Nationalists are like the worst sort of Socialist
who is more preoccupied with hurting the rich than helping the poor, for they
dwell on ancient grievances and want to pull down the existing settlement to
replace it with something ideological.
Indeed Scottish Nationalists are more Jacobin than Jacobite.
A word on Jacobitism - The last great breach between
Scotland and the British establishment.
Jacobites however put their political descendants to shame. For the Jacobites fought for Monarchy
and Church – good Tory principles, against the Whig hegemony with its disregard
for tradition. Jacobites had
allies in the Tory movement South of the border. They were not simply nationalistic and resentful, they
believed in the institutions this Island shares.