Despite the number of MPs who were critical and despite
public opinion no one actually expected that Britain would let down the United
States over Syria. Since loss of
Empire it has been the assumption of British politics that a world role can
only be achieved through supporting as closely as possible the United States in
international affairs.
Apart from fighting together against different
manifestations of German militarism in two world wars, the key examples of the
Special Relationship are the sharing of intelligence and the basing of nuclear
missiles in this country. The
importance of intelligence sharing and the trust between the two nations on
intelligence should not be under-estimated. The agreement between John F. Kennedy and Harold Macmillan
that Britain would have American Polaris missiles, which would be part of a
multilateral deterrent albeit fitted with British warheads was a fundamental
building block of the post-war relationship.
The so-called Nassau Agreement followed the nadir in the
Anglo-American relationship - the Suez Crisis. Due to the United States undermining an Anglo-French and
Israeli strike against Colonel Nasser’s Egyptian regime, Britain not only lost
a Prime Minister, but was seen to have lost its ability to be a global player
without the United States.
In the context of Suez or indeed Britain’s refusal to join
America’s action in Vietnam, perhaps this recent refusal to back any U.S. air-strikes in Syria looks less
serious. However, it could be
indicative of a recent gradual change in Britain’s world role and its
relationship with the United States.
First it must be accepted that the Special Relationship is
important to Great Britain. Our
reliability to the United States means we gain influence as the most trusted
partner. While our interests are
not identical they often coincide.
We hold similar values of democracy, the rule of law and freedom. Both nations are on the whole a force
for good in the world. Whereas
France has defined its continuing global role in terms of independence from
U.S. foreign policy, the United Kingdom has relied on closeness to the United
States. To abandon such an
approach would mean starting again from scratch.
The Special Relationship is special to both partners. The United States relies on British
intelligence and vice versa. A
common language, linked history (particularly the shared history of two world
wars and the Cold War) and similar legal system all lead to a similar
world-view. For many individual
Americans there is a strong emotional affinity with the Old Country. The strong personal chemistry between
our leaders: Churchill and
Roosevelt, Kennedy and Macmillan, Mrs Thatcher and Reagan, Blair and Bush have
also ensured a close alliance.
On the other hand, as demonstrated by the American approach
to Suez, the cancellation of Skybolt and indeed the invasion of Grenada during
the high-point of the Special Relationship when Reagan and Mrs Thatcher were
out the helm, America will look after its own interests first. That should not surprise us. It is the duty of a state’s government
to pursue the national interest.
Likewise the British should always look first and foremost to their
national interest.
The current strain in the Special Relationship goes back to
when Blair stretched it to breaking point in his involvement in the Iraq
War. Not only did Blair gamble on
the future of our Armed Forces, by fighting a war on a peacetime budget
(leading to the defeat in Basra),
but he gambled on the future acceptance by the British public of the
Special Relationship. Because
Blair unquestioningly almost slavishly supported bad American policy, he
actually undermined the future of close cooperation.
Now there is a most unpropitious situation. The Oval Office is occupied by a
President with little interest in Europe – a man who sent back the bust of Sir
Winston Churchill. Indeed it is
sometimes doubtful Obama believes in America let alone its relationship with
old allies. Meanwhile the British
Government has drastically cut the nation’s military capacity, leading to
concerns from the United States as to whether its closest ally would in future
be able to support it..
Notwithstanding this, Great Britain, but for the Iraqi experience, would
probably have supported the strike on Syria.
It would be fair to say Britain has sacrificed a lot for the
Special Relationship. Would France
have stood idly by if the sort of oppression carried out by Mugabe in Zimbabwe
had taken place in one of its former colonies? Instead, when Mugabe was committing his worst abuses,
Britain spent blood and treasure on the ill-fated Iraqi adventure.
Notwithstanding this, the Special Relationship has probably
been better for both nations than worse.
The Special Relationship saw off Nazism and Communism. Despite the current lack of confidence
in the Anglo-Saxon economic model, the world is moving towards free
markets. Anglo-Saxon values have
defeated various manifestations of totalitarianism and have shown the core
values that underpin our societies are robust.
Britain rightly can grumble about Suez, the delay of the
U.S. entry into the world wars, the ambiguity of the U.S. response to the
Falklands crisis and Grenada (who can imagine Blair having the strength of
conviction to confront Reagan in the way Margaret Thatcher did?). This is outweighed though by the fact
that thanks to American might, we are not dominated by a Socialist Russia or a
Nazi Germany. Furthermore America
may grumble about lack of support in Syria, but it should be thankful for
unambiguous British support in the Cold War, our intelligence sharing and the
dependability and expertise of our Armed Forces. The world as a whole can be thankful that apart from the
aberration of the second Iraq War, the Special Relationship has been a force
for good and a force for freedom and order in world affairs. It is important it survives.
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