Thursday 15 August 2024

The Whore and the Beast

 The Orthodox iconographer and public intellectual Jonathan Pageau has pointed to the carnivalesque subversion being intrinsically linked to an impending level of control, of which covid was a foretaste.  Russian philosopher Aleksander Dugin has argued that liberalism as the third political theory will also have its totalitarian stage.  Why should absolute licentiousness be linked to control?  It is all to do with the metaphysics of liberalism and the disconnection not from an arbitrary but a transcendental view of the Good found in traditional Christianity, in which man is not a little tyrant in his own liberal empire, but the imago Dei.  It is also connected with a blind faith in historical progress that has replaced the divine and that must extirpate reaction and obscurantism from the society.  Links can be drawn with the absolute control of Communism or the French Terror that as religious symbols were desecrated high levels of totalitarian control were being introduced.

Jonathan Pageau uses the language of Revelation whereby the licentiousness of the Whore of Babylon brings in the Beast of absolute control and domination:

“I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.” Rev. 17:7

Saint John the Divine with inspired intuition on Patmos understood the link between immorality and totalitarian control.  And how is it they go together?  The reduction of men to mere slaves of passion is rooted in a metaphysics of violence, as John Milbank put it and as Milbank made clear is linked to Machiavelli’s reinterpretation of the meaning of virtue as power.  When we are reduced to little tyrants exercising our own passions, even if we remain within our own individual boundaries as Nozick might put it, there is no ontology of love, but only one of violence and power.  John Locke, seemingly softer and more optimistic than Hobbes, also framed a paradigm of individual power.  When power is all there is, rather than the common good or the Platonic Good, then there is no real moral case against the enforcement of power by the Empire or the State.  Just as individuals exercise their power to sate their passions, so even at the level of government there is no participation in a higher good.  Instead the ideology is really just about power.

Today’s globalist Left uses benign language of equity (as defined by the American Left, not equity as protected by the Lord Chancellor in English law) to cloak an agenda of power through technocratic control and cancel culture.  While we must be careful in how we refer to what is happening in the United Kingdom, control is the other side of the coin to a permissive culture that reduces us to our passions.  The globalist ideology is one of disintegration, “diversity is our strength”.  It is about breaking down ideas of higher goods and higher meaning.  Instead everything is reduced to the bestial - we are simply advanced apes after all.

Progress is in a sense allowing us to indulge our inner ape, with freedom to be driven by lust and not be restrained by higher principles.  When they regard us animals though, it is a thin line before they start to manage us as animals.  The figure of the Whore of Babylon casts her shadow.

Nonetheless this all starts for “good” progressive reasons.  The enemies of this positivist idea of progress are on the wrong side of history.  With their atavistic prejudices, their attachment to tribe, their love for exalted institutions, their “superstitious” religion, these atavistic obscurantists must be eliminated for the sake of process.  And soon it is not only kings and aristocrats being slaughtered, but the peasants of the Vendee region or the Kulaks of Russia are being murdered en masse.  The Beast also overshadows the actions of revolution and eventually becomes dominant.

Accompanying the underlying narrative of liberation (which is nothing more than a power narrative blind to higher meaning) is an ever increasing level of brutal control, for the “greater” good of this notion of historical process.  And all this is consequent upon the hubristic heresy that our telos is manifested in the here and now, not the hereafter.  It usually manifests as some form of global government, from Babel in Genesis to the WEF today.

With caution one mentions the show trials in the United Kingdom.  The Labour Government is busy imprisoning rioters and protesters from the class it claims specifically to represent.  While not for one moment condoning violence, there are clear signs here of this pattern of the ideology of liberation leading to control and punitive enforcement.  Those who rioted or supported riots in England are facing custodial sentences and being sentenced summarily.  The punishment of these rioters differs in its severity from different rioters who are not resistant to the ideology of the powerful - that is that diversity is our strength.  The Fabian Government of the UK understands that a residue of traditional values, both ethnic and nationalistic remain within the working class.  How it has manifested is disturbing, but there is a determination now to extirpate these human feelings from the public realm, not simply to punish those who clearly broke the law.

The breaking down of any metaphysical hierarchy, a perspective that underlies globalism, whether manifesting in the Ukraine or the United Kingdom, means anything goes in the cause of liberating progress, whatever the cost.  Whether that cost be to human life in conflict or to prescriptive liberty and freedom of conscience, all is justified if you are on the "right side" of history.  The scientific rightness of the cause of Progress means to liberate control has to be introduced.  It is the age-old story of revolution from the Puritans banning Christmas to the Fabian cautious but determined revolutionaries of today’s U.K.

It is also of significance how the Post-modern Left interpreted Nietzsche. While Nietzsche was of the Right his ideas allowed a moral relativism that was promoted in the revolutionary spirit of 1968. As this manifests in woke politics, we see control appearing very early on with cancel culture. There is no reason to obey any code of the marketplace of ideas or freedom of speech and thought, because there are no higher principles, only the new table of subversive values you are creating.

What must be understood here is that as we cut ourselves off from Truth and higher values in a manifestation of pride, we instead find there are no restraints on what we are allowed to do.  The globalists are writ large what Raskolnikov in Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment was, who understood with no God “everything is permitted” for the sake of history, in his case of great men such as Napoleon or himself. Those who impose control are ideologically possessed.  They are driven by a revolution of liberation.  And so LGBT marches parade through the streets and the flag of sexual liberation becomes more important than the national flag.  This liberation is one side of the story, the other is penalties and punishment for those who express doubts or opposition to sexual liberation.  

And therefore liberation is progress, but the final goals of that liberation are a subversion of all that the human race has ever held dear in its traditional values.  Consequently for the sake of achieving this progress, our worldly telos, the human reaction against it must face punitive levels of control.     

Monday 5 August 2024

English Riots and the Luciferian Revolution

 England has been seeing violent riots in response to the incomprehensibly evil murder of three innocent children and wounding of more in Southport and the weak response of the UK’s political leaders.  This crime was carried out by a black man whose parents were migrants from Rwanda.  It occurred in the context of the national government failing to control the borders against a surge of bogus asylum seekers, mainly male and Muslim who have been given special treatment, put up in hotels and who have shown a tendency to violence and sexual harassment and worse towards English white women.  England feels like a place where its establishment holds its own people in contempt and wants to impose new and violent cultures on a sleepy and peaceful country.  The Prime Minister, when he was in opposition, knelt in deference and submission to violent Black Lives Matter rioters, but is now intent on introducing a police state in response to the riots of indigenous people in reaction to the murder of three innocent children.

The English rioters are a manifestation of a cry of anguish at the betrayal by its ruling class.  Their position is confused.  They attack mosques and hotels housing so-called asylum seekers from the safe country of France, when the murderer himself was born here and was probably not Muslim (the establishment is very secretive about this).  Nonetheless, we all understand why there is anger - the open borders, the refusal to deal with illegal migration across the Channel, special treatment for ethnic minorities of non-English origin, even the way the advertising industry tries to demoralise people by making it seem like we live in a non-white country.

There has been a deliberate attack on English identity for at least a generation.  Those in power have used tools of psychological demoralisation and those politicians selected for power are fully brainwashed into the ideology of hating their own people.  Sir Keir Starmer was overtly sympathetic to the violence of Black Lives Matter, but from the very beginning showed contempt for the concerns of the native demonstrators.  Undoubtedly, his priggish and arrogant attitude fanned the flames of protest leading to a chance for more violent elements to become the driving force.

In reality though the progressive ideology that rejects the natural order of things is completely dominant - it is the paradigm.  It does not simply attack people of white ethnicity, particularly the working class, who retain some residue of traditional values.  It attacks Christianity, traditional country sports, farmers, men of any ethnicity, and it has filled the traditional and established institutions from the House of Lords to the Church of England with people who hate our traditions and identity.

Progressivism is the zeitgeist and there is not any real leadership for those with traditional values.  The most right-wing party in Parliament has given itself the nominally progressive name “Reform” - the Right has to adhere to left-wing terminology to be credible.  Any talk of hierarchy, tradition or authority is strictly verboten.  Instead the Right talks of freedom, choice and democracy.  It has also been reduced to advocating the revolutionary economics of free-market capitalism.

Why are progressives so dominant?  It goes back to the secret societies of the American and French Revolutions.  We witnessed their triumphant pageantry at the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony - not only the obscene blasphemy against the Last Supper, but the mockery of the French Queen Marie Antionette.  The revolution is politically and culturally victorious.  It simply needs to stamp out those residues of traditional values to achieve the total new order - these residues are to be found mainly in the working classes who did not pay so much attention at school where the education system is more tailored to brainwashing the bourgeois ruling elite.  It is for this reason that the British establishment loathes one violent protest far more than another violent protest.  BLM, Just Stop Oil, LGBT are given a blessing, while the EDL or anti-vaccine or pro-life demonstrations are treated by the forces of law and order and the media as beyond the Pale.

This revolutionary doctrine is a full ideology.  To be fair for many it simply manifests as shibboleths that must be recited for the sake of career, being regarded as educated or as a decent person.

However, this ideology is deeply subversive and at higher levels of societies, through the Lucis Trust or other secret societies, the full doctrine is understood.  It aims to turn the old world, the ancien regime, upside down.  Authority must be overthrown as oppressive - monarchy, man, husband.  The ultimate target is the highest authority - the divine. This is the real cause for this prideful rebellion.  It is a Luciferian doctrine.

How though does this esoteric dogma relate to Sir Keir Starmer’s bringing in a police state to control working class riots?   Because Starmer, perhaps unknowingly, adheres to this dogma to a degree.  He probably just regards himself as enlightened and progressive.  He is though a low-level adherent and a useful idiot.  He understands that in the riots, quite apart from the violence that is of concern, older loyalties and beliefs are manifesting.  Within the English working class there remains a strong patriotism to the nation state.  The nation state is a modern invention of course and was in its time advocated for and championed by the progressives.  For the progressive the nation state has served its purpose in disrupting the Christian empire.  For the English working class though it is a chance to express older virtues of loyalty, solidarity to ethnicity, masculine strength and ancient identity.  Having once designed the nation state, for the progressive revolutionary establishment today it has not only served its progressive purpose, but is providing a refuge for old values that must be extirpated from society.

In terms of the Labour Party the influence of Fabian ideas should not be discounted.  Their slow-paced revolution, without directly confronting the Hannibal of Tradition, is linked to Luciferianism.  The Luciferian revolution is about Man’s rationalism being of more authority than and in conflict with God’s natural order.  As Lucifer rebelled in pride, the angel of light rejecting God, so enlightened Man tries to throw off obscurantist beliefs thereby to construct a new globalist Babel.  He pridefully and hubristically believes in his own rational capacity to redefine culture and ethos in a new world of enlightened progressivism.  This is why the atavistic tendencies of the white working class must be stamped out by the Fabian Labour Party.  It is why these particular violent protests are far worse than any other in their view.

In overturning the rights of the ethnic majority by failing to enforce immigration laws, by removing symbols of national identity, by discrediting patriotic history, there is another step towards the new upside down world of liberation.  Because Luciferianism is at core about liberation from the supposed constraints of traditional values.

It must be understood that from Sir Keir Starmer with his famous two tiers of one rule for migrants and another for the English working class to foolish lady Anglican vicars protesting with Just Stop Oil, there is no self recognition of the Luciferianism.  Instead their new “Christ” is a progressive and revolutionary figure, who would happily accept and welcome the sexual perverts and predators.  He is for them indeed a revolutionary.  Of course the reason Christ was persecuted by the Jews is because He outright rejected political revolution and exposed them for their modernisations of God’s Law.  This though is a new “Christ” they serve, who might better be compared to an antichrist.

We must understand that many powerful figures are not connected to or fully aware of the whole agenda.  Their vanity is appealed to and they are then manipulated.  We have all met them.  People who cannot consider an alternative perspective as anything other than evil or regressive, because to see things from a more conservative point of view would mean they had been entirely duped and were not more moral and intelligent than everyone else.

Those who are not participating in the agenda will inevitably find they are accused of obscurantism, reaction, prejudice.  Such slurs should be worn as badges of honour in these times.  It must be understood that the progressive agenda, in its hubristic spirit, is a manifestation of the doctrine of Luciferian enlightenment.  It was initiated by the esoteric and revolutionary societies of the Eighteenth Century that fomented revolution on both sides of the Atlantic.  It has taken over the institutions of the West.  It manifests not by explicit declaration of its doctrine, but by an intellectual grooming that flatters the bourgeois class as rational, enlightened and progressive.  It teaches a real hatred of the actual people who are poor, while promoting the “interests” of an abstract poor.  It betrays Crown and Altar, empire and nation all in the name of progress.  It has a new Christ who is antichrist and represents the egalitarian values of the Enlightenment against the traditional values of the Church and Christendom.    Its ultimate revolution is not against the Crown, not against Empire, not against the husband, not against the European, not against the family - all these it opposes and attacks dressed up in the enlightened language of “progress”.  The ultimate revolution though, in its hubris is against the highest transcendental authority - it rebels against God with the weapon of its myopic rationalism.  Unknowingly many bourgeois Europeans use their power to further the Luciferian agenda of revolution and progress.  Now we reach the final stage - the restoration of Babel in mockery of the Church’s Pentecost  - the Global Government that destroys all cultures, all identities to be replaced by the rationalised and atomised individual.