One way in which the Green lobby captures people's loyalty is by dressing itself up as conservationist. We all love our natural environment and are distressed to hear of other distant environments being destroyed by Man's exploitative greed and destructive avarice. Nonetheless, the actual specific proposals made by those using the Green agenda for their own purposes, such as the WEF, have produced a programme that really means the destruction of our actual local environment. The technocrats have turned to intensive technology to resist the alleged dangers that so often over the years have not materialised. From over-population to the disappearance of the ice caps, the dire prophecies never materialised at the time claimed and a new terror is then invoked.
Ever since Climategate the alert and aware have been more sceptical about the claims of the climate fanatics. It is notable that as global warming does not occur, the terminology has been subtly changed to "climate change", an untestable and unfalsifiable concept.
The measures imposed by global bodies and those being imposed by national governments in effect under the control of the WEF have the convenient consequence of the creation of a social credit system by stealth. From fifteen minute cities to smart meters that can be switched off to planning to imprison those who cannot afford to turn their homes into ugly eco-compliant blocks, we are entering a level of control for which the Covid lockdowns set a precedent. And at the very time the Globalists have caused a spike in cost of living with their proxy war against Russia in the breadbasket of Europe, the Ukraine, the high costs of Net Zero are being imposed over and above this upon ordinary people.
The most important aspect of this Globalist programme of Net Zero is though often overlooked. It is not that wind turbines still need coal-powered energy or that electric cars are causing localised environmental and human catastrophes with lithium mining hidden from the view of the virtue-signalling Westerner. No, it is rather that the whole programme of Net Zero is based upon a false premise and deeply misunderstands Nature. With its pristine view of Mother Nature uncontaminated by Man there is a profound theological mistake - an outright heresy. Ironically, in that heretical premise technology is turned to to eradicate Man from the Environment he shaped as co-creator with the Deity. It was indeed Man's original Edenic vocation to be the gardener - the imago dei.
Yes, we understand that brutal exploitation of Nature, treating it in Heideggerian terms, as "standing reserve" is very harmful. The environment though has its value and beauty in the way Man has worked with Nature. Grazing livestock allow the wild flowers rather than scrubland and wilderness to flourish. Even hunting led to the maintenance of hedgerows as fences for jumping, which are so much more beneficial for bird life and local ecology. It is Man in community that makes the environment beautiful. That is not the same as dehumanised agri-business and developers building all over our green fields.
In their deep misanthropy and Gaia worship, the environmentalists and the control-obsessed globalists are more than happy to eradicate Man from the environment. Livestock farming that shaped our countryside must be destroyed in place of mono-crops for the new vegan diet. This will be as bad, if not worse, than the much-hated large agri-businiesses rightly abhorred.
To do away with coal fires in factories and indeed to destroy the family hearth, wind turbines will march across the green fields and rolling hills . Dark Satanic mills again polluting our green and pleasant land. In its hatred of the mining of coal this establishment-backed movement will turn our green and pleasant land into a horrific machine. This technology though is alienated from Man. Man is removed from Nature, but Nature is subjected to inhuman technology that silences the dawn chorus as migrating birds are decimated.
The home, the Englishman's castle, will be uglified by uPVC windows and doors and its heart torn out - the family hearth. This worship of Gaia and hatred of anthropomorphic and patriarchal traditional religion has manifested in an attack on beauty and Nature in the name of Nature.
No longer can something be enjoyed for its beauty. Now everything is standing reserve to be used for other sources of energy. It is as though in the very pagan and heretical obsession with Gaia untouched by the stewards of Nature - Man - they are destroying Nature to eradicate that biological source of carbon, mankind.
Of course Providence ensured we would be protected from the risks of carbon. Just as we produce carbon, so vegetation consumes carbon. For this reason the planet is greenifying and demonstrating that written into Creation itself is the corrective for global warming.
And the deep irony is that people are deceived to destroy by this ideology because they do love their environment and what surrounds them. That environment is not a wilderness. Its beauty, what makes it sublime is Man in Nature. That is not Man treating Nature as standing reserve, but from the chaos of the wilderness revealing, unconcealing the full beauty of Nature.